Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Structural Mapping in geological distributions

The detailed analysis of the three-dimensional distribution of rock expressions with regard to their history of formation can be generally termed as structural geology. Estimation on the history of the formation/ deformation or in other words the strain which is seen in the rocks during the course of time through the measurements of present day rock geometries is the ultimate aim of structural geology. The information thus evolved can be linked to the events of the past. The geologic past of a region can be made from the information on the structural development of a particular region with regard to area wise distribution of the rock pattern distribution like that of mountain formation/rifting due to the effect of plate tectonics.

To make a definition, structural mapping can be termed as an identification or characterization of a structure. Structures comprise of faults, rock folds, synclines, anticlines and lineaments of rock formations. Thorough understanding of the rock structures is the key to understand the crustal movements of rocks that is responsible for the present terrain. Detailed examination of structure can be obtained by geophysical techniques such as seismic surveying.

The structural mapping gains much importance in the economic geology especially in petroleum geology and mining geology. The creeks and folds of rock strata can be a natural storage space for the fluids such as petroleum and natural gas. Thus the future of structural mapping becomes a prospective one in geospatial realm. Generally deposits of metals like gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc are located in structurally complex areas. Through accurate structural mapping solutions and services, we can identify the possible areas for mining such metals.

Mapping of structures forms a vital part of engineering geology, which generally deals with the physical and mechanical features of natural rock expressions. Structural formations like faults, foliations, joints and folds are internal defects of rocks which may seriously affect the stability of man-made structures such as dams, road networks, tunnels, open pit mines and underground mines. Another prospective area where structural mapping takes a major role is in mineral and hydrocarbon exploration along with potential hazard identification and its monitoring.

Other than being potential storages of oil and gas reserves by marking the underlying under-surface geometry of rock units and the effect of crustal deformation and stress experienced in a certain region, through structural mapping we get the clues to crustal movement and potential natural hazards, such as landslides, volcanic activity earthquakes etc.

SBL Geomatics, the Geomatics wing of SBL, an ISO accredited global ITES Company based in Cochin, India, weaves out its structural mapping solutions with accuracy and quality which no one else offers. The team is a pack of expert technocrats who make use of Remote Sensed data on the information on the surficial relief and spatial distribution of the structural elements to map the terrain accurately.

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